About me

Hi! I'm Dimitris! 👋

I founded Transifex. Together with an absolutely amazing team, we built one of the best software localization platforms in the world, allowing us to shamelessly name-drop HubSpot, Atlassian, Quora, and Viber as customers. 😇

Transifex's growth led to a successful acquisition to a financial buyer in 2022 and a second to a strategic one in 2025.

My focus now is M&A Advising, angel investing in early-stage companies, and mentoring other founders and CEOs.

In this personal space of mine, I'm sharing stories, learnings, and mistakes from my life as an entrepreneur, a father and husband, and a firm believer in the power of leading a full, happy, and generous life.

You can also find me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

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